The camo LensPen Lens Cleaner is a small, lightweight, pen-shaped cleaning tool, designed for camera lenses and other optical items. Its 0.47″ (12mm) cleaning tip is slightly concave, making it especially compatible with the convex shape of lenses on digital SLR cameras, binoculars, rifle scopes, and more. A retractable brush is included for dust removal.

The cleaning element contains no liquid, and is designed to never dry out. Put the Replenishment Cap back on after using the LensPen and it will refresh the surface of the tip, assuring that only cleaning compound, not grease, will touch the lens on the next cleaning.

Designed for cleaning of camera lenses and other optical items
The cleaning tip has a slightly concave shape for a better fit
A retractable dust-removal brush is built in
Its non-liquid carbon cleaning compound won’t spill or dry out
It’s safe to use and environmentally friendly


Cleaning-Tip Shape: Round, Concave
Cleaning-Tip Diameter: 12 mm
Length: 11 cm
Weight: 141.7 g

LENSPEN NLP-2 Olovka za ciscenje objektiva

Izvorna cijena bila je: 10,49 €.Trenutna cijena je: 9,97 €.

Lenspen NLP-1 – Olovka za čišćenje objektiva

– Cleans Lenses, Eyepieces, Scopes, & More
– Concave Cleaning Tip for Better Fit
– Retractable Dust-Removal Brush
– Long-Lasting Non-Liquid Cleaning Element
– Safe and Easy to Use

Kategorije: , SKU: 40020
Najniža cijena: 9,47 €
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